
How To Repair a Roof With Storm Damage in Maryland

storm damage roof repair

Storm damage to your roof comes in many different shapes and sizes. When thunder rolls and lightning strikes, rain and wind can seriously damage your home and its roof; if your roof is severely damaged in a storm, tornado, or hurricane.

This blog post will guide you through the steps to repair it and restore your home’s protection and comfort after suffering storm damage.

What Are The Different Types of Storm Damage?

Storm damage can come in all sorts of forms, including:

Wind Damage

wind damage roof

High winds can cause shingles to lift, curl, or even detach entirely. Additionally, strong gusts may lead to debris impact, resulting in dents, cracks, or punctures on the roof surface. Sudden, sharp wind gusts can lift and curl shingles during less severe storms.

When shingles are installed, they’re purposefully overlapped to create a water-tight seal, and this lifting and curling can break this seal, potentially leaving your roof vulnerable to damage from wind-driven rain.

Hail Damage

Hail Damage Roof

Hailstones can range from small pellets to large chunks of ice, leaving behind an array of destruction. Dents, dings, and granule loss on shingles are common signs of hail damage.

This can be problematic because these granules help protect your roof against rain and sun damage. Hail damage can also ruin the aesthetic appearance of your roof’s surface.

Water Damage

water damage roof

Persistent rain and flooding can compromise the roof’s integrity, leading to leaks, rot, and mold growth. Poorly sealed or damaged flashing exacerbates water infiltration issues.

Clogged gutters can also cause backed-up rainwater under your shingles, potentially allowing moisture to penetrate the underlayment or the roof deck.

Fallen Debris

fallen debris

Branches, tree limbs, or entire trees can fall onto roofs during storms, causing structural damage, punctures, and dislodged shingles.

Large objects can dent or impact the shingle’s surface, leaving that roof area vulnerable to moisture intrusion, whereas lighter branches may not be as problematic.

Steps To Make Roof Repairs After A Storm

Here to start the steps of repairing roof after a storm:

Assessing Storm Damage To Your Roof

The first step is to assess the storm damage. Grab your camera and a notepad, and walk around your property. Take pictures and make notes of as much roof damage storm as you can. 

During the inspection, you need to look for:

  • Missing, cracked, or curled shingles
  • Dents, dimples, or cracks on shingle surfaces
  • Water stains or dampness on ceilings and walls
  • Loose or damaged flashing around vents, chimneys, and skylights
  • Debris accumulation or visible structural damage

Make Temporary Roof Repairs

To prevent further damage while you wait for permanent repairs, consider making temporary solutions for your damaged roof:

Patch Leaks: Use roofing cement or a patching fabric to cover small holes or leaks. Could you make sure the area is dry before applying the patch? This temporary fix will buy you time until a professional repair can be conducted.

Secure Loose Shingles: If you have loose or missing shingles, temporarily secure them with roofing adhesive or nails to prevent water infiltration. These immediate steps can help prevent further damage while you await permanent repairs.

Clear Debris: Remove any debris, such as branches or leaves, from your roof and gutters to prevent clogs and further damage during the next storm.

Contact Your Insurance Company

Contact your insurance company to make a claim as soon as possible. Your home insurance company will send out an appraiser to assess your damage. After the inspection, the appraiser will either approve the claim with a payout or deny your claim.

If you disagree with the findings, request a second inspection with a different adjuster. Home insurers typically cover the roof inspection cost, which averages $215 in Maryland.

Sign your contract after you have received the claim approval. You pay the difference if the contract exceeds the approved amount from your insurance company. If your insurance denies your claim, you must cover the entire bill.

Find a Reputed Roofing Contractor

After your claim is approved, you can choose any local roofing contractor you want. They must have experience working with insurance claims when looking for one in your area. 

But don’t look for multiple quotes to find the lowest price available. This is pointless because the insurance company sets the price for your replacement once your insurance claim is approved.

However, you should still do your research and talk to multiple storm damage roofing company to find the right one for you. But when looking for the right one, you need to make sure they provide high-quality workmanship and a willingness to fight for you during the insurance process.

How To Repair a Damaged Roof By Yourself After a Storm?

Repair a Damaged Roof

You might wonder, “Is this something I can do alone?” In most cases, storm damage will be minor enough to handle yourself. It could be a few dislodged tiles, several hail dents or a blocked guttering system.

These issues are easy to fix with some basic DIY knowledge, although if you don’t feel comfortable doing the work, you can always consult a professional. Following are the steps for storm damage roof repair:

Replace Damaged Shingles

If you have missing or severely damaged shingles, your contractor will remove them and replace them with new ones that match your existing roof. This ensures a seamless appearance and maintains the integrity of your roofing system.

Repair Flashing

Damaged flashing around chimneys, vents, or skylights should be repaired or replaced to prevent leaks. Properly functioning flashing is crucial for a watertight roof.

Address Structural Damage

If your roof structure is compromised, your contractor will assess and repair any structural issues to ensure the roof’s integrity. This step is essential for the safety and longevity of your home.

Seal and Waterproof

After completing the repairs, your contractor may apply a waterproofing sealant to protect your roof from future damage. This additional layer of protection helps extend the lifespan of your roof and enhances its resistance to the elements.

Tips for Storm Damage Roof Repairs

Here are some important tips to consider during your storm damage to roof repair process:

Always Stay Informed: Keep an eye on weather forecasts to prepare for upcoming storms and take preventive measures, such as trimming overhanging branches that could otherwise cause significant roof damage.

Maintain The Roof Regularly: Conduct routine roof inspections and maintenance to address minor issues before they become major problems.

Check Your Insurance: Review your homeowner’s insurance policy annually to ensure you have adequate coverage for storm damage or hail damage.

Consider Impact-Resistant Materials: If you’re in an area prone to severe storms, consider upgrading to impact-resistant roofing materials to protect against roof storm damage.

Emergency Fund: Maintain an emergency fund for unexpected repairs or storm damage not covered by insurance.

How Much Does a Roof Repair Cost?

The cost of repairing a roof after storm damage can vary depending on several factors, including the extent of the damage, the type of materials used, and the contractor’s pricing.

Here are some average costs to consider:

Minor Repairs: Minor repairs, such as replacing a few missing shingles or patching small leaks, can cost anywhere from $200 to $500.

Moderate Damage: For more extensive damage, such as multiple missing shingles or significant leaks, repairs might cost you between $500 and $1,500.

Severe Damage: Repairs may cost $1,500 or more depending on the extent of the damage in severe damage, such as widespread shingle loss or structural damage.

Roof Repair And Maintenance Service In Maryland

Storm damage to your roof can be daunting, but with proactive inspection, prompt repairs, and the guidance of professional roofing contractors, the road to restoration becomes more manageable.

By understanding the types of damage, recognizing warning signs, and investing in expert repairs, homeowners can safeguard their homes against the elements and ensure a sturdy, weather-resistant roof for years. 

Remember, when it comes to storm damage roof repair in Maryland, swift action and professional expertise are key to weathering the storm successfully.

Trust Evoli Roofing for a roofing experience that combines expertise, quality, reliability, and customer satisfaction. Feel free to contact us at +1 240-712-5544 for inquiries, and estimates, or to schedule an appointment. We look forward to serving you and enhancing the beauty and functionality of your home.



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