
What are the 9 Components Included in a Roof Replacement?

Roof Replacement Components

Roof replacement can be a taxing and expensive process. Not knowing how it will be done or which factors to consider can leave you puzzled and confused. Whether you are looking to get your roof replaced or just curious about the various components and steps of a roof replacement, we have you covered.

Roofing is a crucial part of home building. In particular, a complete roof replacement provides a robust solution to all the underlying roof issues to give your house a new outlook.

What is Roof Replacement?

Roof is a crucial part of a home which provides it with strength and structure. A roof replacement is the complete removal of an existing roof system and replacing it with a new one. The process of roof replacement, unlike roof repair, provides a solution to all the underlying issues of the roof, turning it into completely new.

You might also wonder, what is it that makes these roofs so strong and what are the key roof replacement components used?

As explained above, roof replacement is an investment for giving your property the right amount of safety and strength it needs. Property owners rarely consider all these essential roof replacement components when deciding to replace their roof. Most of them also think that a roof is made up of only one or two components, however, this is not true. Understanding the crucial components of roof replacement is key to making informed decisions for your property.

Now let’s have a look into these roof replacement components and their process in great detail.

9 Key Roof Replacement Components

Following are the key roof replacement components:

  1. Roof Decking
  2. Underlayment (Organic and synthetic roof underlayment)
  3. Drip Edge
  4. Ice and water shield
  5. Roof flashing
  6. Roofing Material
  7. Ridge Capping
  8. Roof Vents
  9. Pipe Boots

Roof Decking

Roof Decking

Roof Decking provides a base for any roof, it is mainly a wooden foundation that provides strength and protection to all kinds of roofs. The rest of the roof is also installed on this foundation. Good quality roof decking is determined by thickness and type of wood.

There are mainly two types of roof decking:

  • Sheet Decking: Sheet Decking is made up of flat sheets of wood. This is much wider when compared with planks. This is mostly installed in homes and it has different sizes as well and comes in 4×8 commonly, it also has different sizes for thickness which are ⅜ , ½, ¾  inches, with 1 ⁄ 2 inches being the most common among all.

  • Plank Decking: Plank Decking is made up of rectangular-shaped wood. These woodcuts vary in size and come in both 1×6 and 1×8.



Underlayment is a protection layer that is installed over the roof deck, mainly composed of a synthetic material that protects the roof against moisture and water.

It also serves as a barrier between the roofing material installed above it and the wood deck beneath it. There are two main types of underlayment which are available in the market, synthetic and felt underlayment. 

  • Synthetic Underlayment: This is a commonly used type of underlayment available in the market, it is much stronger than felt underlayment. It serves the purpose of keeping the moisture or any water body away from the wooden decks more efficiently. It is also more expensive than Felt Underlayment. 

  • Felt Underlayment: This type of underlayment was used even before the synthetic ones were made. This also serves the purpose and is less expensive than synthetic underlayment. This type is less durable than the synthetic ones and comes in different sizes as well.

Underlayment is one of the key components of roof replacement. To make an informed decision, consult a professional.

Drip Edge

drip edge

This refers to a metal flashing at the edge of the roof to provide a barrier between roofing material and underlayment. The drip edge is mainly there to prevent any water body from seeping in and damaging the underlayment and wooden decks beneath it.

It is composed of many kinds of metals, such as Copper, Aluminium, and Steel. Each one of these is almost equally effective but differs in price. It is also important to note which material is best suited for your home depending on the region.

Although it is also missed by many roofers when they replace the roof, however, this has mainly to do with the lack of experience as it is a major roof replacement component.

Ice and Water Shield

Ice and Water Shield

Ice and Water Shield is a layer that is installed to prevent any water body like ice or water from entering the roof. Unlike underlayment, it is installed at specific parts of the roof where there is a problem and not at the entire roof.

It serves as a secondary defense for the wooden deck, providing protection even if water seeps through the shingles. It is like a must to install especially in areas which have higher rates of rain and snow.

The installation process of Ice and Water shield is quite easy, some steps included are preparing the roof, making sure it is clean and dry, applying proper adhesive-backed material to the deck for strong hold, and ensuring that it is tightly sealed. It is extremely essential for regions or areas which experience harsh weather conditions throughout the year.

Roof Flashing

Roof Flashing

Roof Flashing is a major roof replacement component. It refers to the installation of metal material that helps in directing water that comes from chimneys, roof valleys, and walls away from the roof. To avoid roof leaks, these are a must to install. 

Flashing works similarly to a drip edge but is used in more targeted areas where water disposal is critical. Like drip edge, it is also available in the form of different metals like aluminum, copper, and steel. Out of these three, steel is commonly used in the market but the other options are equally effective.

In addition to its functional benefits, roof flashing also contributes to the overall aesthetics of the roof. Roof flashing is essential for preventing water leakage and potential roof damage, making it crucial for proper roof replacement.

Roofing Material

Roofing Material

Roofing material is a material that is installed as the upper most layer of the roof. It is also a major roof replacement component that is visible to the naked eye from the outside.

Just like other components, it also has many types. Many options of roofing material available in the market include synthetic roofing material, asphalt shingles, seam metal roofing, etc. Again, this depends on whether it is for a commercial or residential property and what best suits the type of climate region this property is situated in.

The decision between aesthetics and roofing material longevity ultimately depends on the property owner. Roof replacement professionals, again, should be consulted in this regard.

Ridge Capping

Ridge Capping

Ridge Capping is an essential roof replacement component. It is installed where the two slopes of the roof meet each other, forming a ridge at the center. This capping is made up of the same roofing material but this needs to have the right shape to redirect the water to its side. It mainly has a cone or circle-like shape.

Proper roof ridge capping is essential to ensure there is no water at the top of the roof. By ensuring that water is efficiently channeled away, ridge capping helps prevent potential issues like mold, rot, and structural damage at the rooftop.

The proper installation of ridge capping involves aligning the caps correctly over the ridge line, securing them with appropriate fasteners, and ensuring they are tightly sealed to prevent any gaps from where the water could potentially seep through.

Roof Vents

Roof Vents

Roof Vents are installed within roofs to make sure that the property’s ventilation system works properly. It provides a pathway for fresh air to enter easily. Also, this exchange of air helps regulate the temperature and moisture levels within the attic, preventing issues such as mold growth, wood rot, and ice dams.

There are many types of vents available in the market and it depends on the type of ventilation system you have in your property to decide what type of vent is best in your case. Some of the options available in the market are turbine vents, power vents, solar-powered vents, box vents, ridge vents, etc. 

Pipe boots

Pipe boots

Pipe boots refer to a type of flashing that covers around the base of different pipes coming out of the roof. This is a crucial roof replacement component. If this is not done right, water leakages happen and water can enter the roof and down into the property on which the roof has been installed.

Depending on the roofing material and type of pipe, pipe boots can be synthetic rubber, plastic, lead copper, etc. The best and the most durable out of these are the synthetic rubber ones.


These are the major 9 roof replacement components. Now, you are aware of all these components and the purposes they serve in your property’s roof system. You can be sure of what to expect when you schedule your upcoming roof replacement call with us.

If you’re just starting the roofing process in Maryland or Virginia, consider reaching out for expert assistance. Being a market leader, we offer competitive rates and top-notch services for all types of roofing needs, including repair, installation, and maintenance. Contact Evoli Roofing now for more information.



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